Events |
2015 |
AMI Fire Resistance in Plastics 2015; Dec 8-10 |
MCA Technologies GmbH (Switzerland) will be presenting and exhibiting at the Fire Resistance in Plastics 2015 conference at the Maritim Hotel, Cologne, Germany, December 8-10, 2015. The title of the presentation will be A novel fire retardant technology for plastics to meet the challenges of: Down-with-the-weight, cost, waste (of materials & energy), and for better performance. Please click here for further information.
Lightweight Vehicles 2015; Nov 18-19 |
MCA Technologies GmbH (Switzerland) will be presenting and exhibiting at the Lightweight Vehicles 2015 conference at the Hotel Palace, Berlin, Germany, November 18-19, 2015. The title of the presentation will be A novel fire retardant technology for plastics to meet the challenges of: Down-with-the-weight, cost, waste (of materials & energy), and for better performance. Please click here for further information.
2014 |
AMI Masterbatch 2014; Jun 24-26 |
MCA Technologies GmbH (Switzerland) will be presenting and exhibiting at the Masterbatch 2014 conference at the Andel's Hotel, Berlin, Germany, June 24-26, 2014. The title of the presentation will be Novel concepts for the fire retardancy of plastics. Please click here for further information.
AMI Fire Retardants in Plastics 2014; May 13-14 |
MCA Technologies GmbH (Switzerland) was exhibiting at the Fire Retardants in Plastics 2014 conference at the Hyatt Denver, Denver, CO, USA, May 13-14, 2014.
AMI Masterbatch 2014; Mar 18-20 |
MCA Technologies GmbH (Switzerland) was presenting and exhibiting at the Masterbatch Asia 2014 conference at the Swissȏtel Nai Lert Park, Bangkok, Thailand, March 18-20, 2014. The title of the presentation was Fire retardant synergists as new opportunities for the advance of masterbatch use.
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